Our lab aims to understand life’s origins and distribution. We are particularly interested on autocatalytic and pre-genetic evolutionary processes, and on developing strategies for biosignature detection in space exploration. One of our most recent projects is a simulation of Jupiter’s moon Europa to better understand how organic molecules from meteorites that reach its surface change over time under extreme conditions – this project is funded thanks to a NASA Research Initiation Award. The results of which will be key to deciphering the data obtained by NASA’s flagship mission Europa Clipper which launched in 2024. Our team designed a closed-environment ultra-high vacuum system – dubbed Boreas in honor of the ancient Greek god of the north cold wind – to simulate the surface of Europa and other cold, icy moons such as Enceladus and Titan.
We are part of the highly interdisciplinary UTRGV’s School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences. We are also a proud member of the new South Texas Space Science Institute, where our PI serves as the Professional Outreach Lead! The STSSI is an interdisciplinary space science institute that spans multiple departments within UTRGV, including The Department of Physics & Astronomy, The School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences, and The School of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences.
Learn more by listening to this video by our PI, Dr. Eloi Camprubi: