Current Members

Deepali Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow
“Hello everyone! Deepali here. I have my Bachelor’s and Master’s in Biotechnology. I recently completed my tenure as a postdoctoral fellow at the Planetary Science Division, Physical Research Laboratory (Dept. of Space, Govt. of India).
My work is an amalgamation of planetary sciences and biology and is primarily focused on determining the possibility of life (habitability) on different planetary bodies. For this, I have used remote sensing (using satellite images to find evidence of water), terrestrial analog (collecting field samples for geochemical and microbial analysis), and geochemical modeling. With Eloi and Dr. Tian Dong, I will be working to understand how changes in river dynamics affect biosignatures. It is designed to have implications for astrobiologically oriented future missions to Mars and beyond.
I love to read and write poetry, listen to music, and occasionally play sports.”

Myrine Barreiro-Arevalo, 3rd Year PhD
“I’m Myrine Barreiro-Arevalo, a 3rd year PhD candidate at UTRGV in the Mathematics and Statistics with Interdisciplinary Applications degree program. I completed my undergraduate degree in Biology with a minor in Statistics at UTRGV, as well as my Masters in Applied Statistics and Data Science where my thesis focused on machine learning modeling for disease state predictions.
I am currently working on coupling autocatalytic cycling with growth and non-genetic replication and heredity. When I’m not stuck in the lab, I’m out traveling the world!
This past summer, I was in Japan at the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) at Tokyo Institute of Technology for the summer.”
Member since Fall 2023.

Mauricio Berazaluce, 1st Year PhD
“My name is Mauricio Berazaluce Lopez, and I am a first-year PhD student in the Materials Science & Engineering program at UTRGV. I began this journey after earning a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a minor in Geology, also from UTRGV.
Before starting my PhD, my research focused on characterizing minerals synthesized under prebiotic conditions using an anaerobic glovebox. Through this work, I gained experience with various analytical instruments, including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Currently, my research centers on implementing nanotechnology to support upcoming manned NASA missions to the Moon.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy exploring National Parks, watching new movies in theaters, playing Magic: The Gathering with friends, gaming, and discovering fresh music.”
Member since Fall 2023.

Gabriella Garza, 2nd Year Masters
“Hey there, I’m Gabriella Garza, but you can call me Gabby. I’m a second-year master’s student in biology. I received my bachelor’s degree in the same field with a minor in environmental science at UTRGV.
Currently, I’m a research assistant for Dr. Eloi Camprubi, working on my master’s thesis. My research focuses on origins of life, specifically the polymerization of organics on mineral surfaces during the Hadean eon.
When I’m not diving into ancient biogeochemistry, you’ll find me gaming, singing, swimming, exploring nature or hanging out with kitties!”
Member since Spring 2023.

Ilankuzhali Elavarasan, 1st Year Masters
“Hey, y’all! I’m Ilankuzhali Elavarasan from India and everyone calls me Ilan. I joined a master’s in Chemistry program at UTRGV in Spring 2024.
Before moving to the US, I worked in the aerospace industry in India after completing my undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering. I worked for the Indian Space Research Organisation on the first human spaceflight mission, Gaganyaan, as a research assistant for my last job.
Currently, at UTRGV, I am focusing on building the planetary simulator, Boreas, to simulate icy moon chemistry and its implications for astrobiology.
I love reading, dancing, and cooking. I love exploring new places and am keen on exploring Texas and envisioning touring the States!”
Member since Spring 2024.

Andrea Aldaba, 1st Year Masters
“I’m Andrea Aldaba, a 1st year Masters student at UTRGV in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology degree program. I completed my undergraduate degree at The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. My B.S. is in Biology with a concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology and I also have a second degree in Evolutionary Anthropology.
Currently, for my master’s thesis, I’m working on creating meteorite simulants to insert them in our planetary simulator, Boreas, to simulate the maturation of exogenous materials on the surface of Europa.
When my head isn’t amongst Jupiters chaotic clouds, you can find me reading fiction novels, on a pilates reformer, playing with makeup, creating DIY crafts, or playing any Nintendo Mario game on my Switch.”
Member since Summer 2024.

Kaelyn Calma, 1st Year Masters
“I’m Kaelyn! I am a first-year master’s student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV). I graduated from UTRGV in Fall 2024 with a bachelor’s degree in Biology with a concentration in Biological Sciences.
As an undergraduate, I had the opportunity to work with Ilan on Boreas, a planetary simulator designed to simulate the surface conditions of Europa. My role involved testing and refining the residual gas analyzer (RGA) software with an unbaked/contaminated main chamber, contributing to a better understanding of simulation parameters and the present background gases.
As a master’s student, my thesis research on the origin of life, specifically investigating the prebiotic chemistry of thioesters – fatty acid precursors – under alkaline hydrothermal vent conditions.
When I’m not in the lab, I enjoy spending time at the beach, exploring nature trails, or collecting insects! When I am not admiring nature, I can be found playing video games, reading in my butterfly garden, or exercising.”
Member since Fall 2024.

Kiara Garduno Perez, 4th Year Undergrad
“I’m Kiara G., a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), pursuing a Biology degree with a concentration in Biological Science and a minor in Astronomy. I have also earned an associate degree in the Science of Biology.
Previously, I contributed to research on the alternative “lipid world” theory by investigating the spontaneous formation of fatty acid bilayer protocells under specific conditions. Additionally, I conducted optical follow-up observations of gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, binary collisions, and black hole mergers using a 17″ Planewave refractor telescope to analyze gravitational wave events.
I am currently working on assembly theory, using Python to analyze molecular complexity and refine criteria for identifying potential biosignatures. This research has significantly strengthened my computational and data analysis skills, which I have applied to other scientific contexts. I am also preparing to work with a planetary simulator to model Europa’s surface. My project involves simulating environmental conditions, analyzing pre- and post-simulation samples through NMR and LCMS to characterize molecular changes, and using a residual gas analyzer to detect emitted gases during the simulation. As the project evolves, I plan to transition from studying simple molecules to microbial systems, contributing to the development of more effective methods for detecting biosignatures on extraterrestrial bodies.
In my free time, I enjoy exercising, playing video games, and reading.”
Member since Fall 2023.

Dulce Castillo, 2nd Year Undergrad
“I’m Dulce Castillo, a 2nd year undergraduate student in the Chemistry degree program with a minor in Mechanical Engineering at UTRGV. I am currently working with Andrea and Ilan, two master students studying the Exogenous and Endogenous material using a planetary simulator named Boreas.
My previous research included helping Mauricio and Gabby on the synthesis of iron-sulfides under anoxic conditions using a Glovebox and several degassing methods, and observing the sequestration of ATP onto these synthesized iron-sulfides using 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and a Calibration Curve.
In my spare time, I like to play video games, draw, read either Absurdist or Philosophical Fiction, make music or watch Motorsports.”
Member since Spring 2024.

Nolan Salinas, 3rd Year Undergrad
“Hey, I’m Nolan Salinas! I’m a First-Time Junior at UTRGV pursuing a double major in Chemistry and Biology.
I’m currently researching ATP polymerization in underwater hydrothermal vents via a pH gradient with Gabriella for her Master’s Thesis. I’m completely new to Astrobiochemistry, and have found origin-of-life research very interesting. I plan on pursuing medical school once I graduate with my dual degree.
My two favorite things in the world are theatre and organic chemistry.”
Member since Fall 2024.

David Segovia, Postbacc
“Hello, I’m David, a post-bacc student with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology.
I am currently working with Myrine on the heredity in protocells project.
My plan for the future is to be a practicing trauma surgeon. My interests are medicine, space, business and physics.”
Member since Fall 2024.
Past Members
- Leah Adame, UTRGV, Fall 2024
- Michaela Johnson, UTRGV, Fall 2024
- Ruvan de Graaf, College of the Atlantic, Summer 2024
- Sarabeth Walzer, UTRGV, Fall 2023- Spring 2024
- David Hernandez, UTRGV, Fall 2023-Spring 2024
- Kimberly Moran, UTRGV, Spring 2024
- Abraham Torres, UTRGV, Fall 2023
- Carlos Gonzalez, UTRGV, Fall 2023
- Fernando Garcia, UTRGV, Fall 2023